gaza 3

gaza 3





Monday, 29 September 2014

A Palestinian mother in Khan Younis, bakes the bread on the mud oven, which is considered to be one of the historical and traditional ways of baking bread in Palestine.

This is Gaza.

Lukisan dan pemotretan menarik tentang Gaza dan Palestin.

Algeria sends humanitarian aid to Gaza

The Algerian Red Crescent sent on Thursday 75 tons of humanitarian and medical aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Three Algerian military planes, carrying 75 tons of medicine and 50 wheelchairs, left the Boufarik Airport on Thursday, heading to Ismailia in Egypt.

Head of Algerian Red Crescent Saida Benhabyles said that the aid will be passed to Gaza through the Rafah Crossing.

Benhabyles hailed Algerian solidarity with the Palestinians and said that this is only the first batch of aid. There are others to follow. She did not give more detail about the other aid, or when it would arrive.

She said that 40 tons of medicine has been collected thanks to the efforts of the young Algerians, in addition to the partners of the Red Crescent, including the National Union of Algerian Workers (UGTA) and the General Union of Algerian Traders and Artisans (UGCAA).


Sifat pengecut Zionis kadang-kala melucukan.

Gambar di sebelah kiri menunjukkan salah satu daripada tiga buah perigi dengan kelengkapan motor untuk mengepam keluar air yang terletak 90 meter ke bawah tanah bagi mengairi projek pertanian yang dibiayai oleh Aman Palestin di Utara Gaza.

Dalam Misi Solidariti Gaza yang disertai kira-kira 120 orang sukarelawan dari Malaysia, rombongan telah dibawa melawat dan menyaksikan upacara perasmian kawasan pertanian ini.

Ketika berlakunya Perang Asfil Ma'kul selama 51 hari baru-baru ini, kawasan ini menjadi kawasan berbahaya bagi rakyat Palestin kerana tentera Zionis bersama kereta kebal mereka telah berjaga di kawasan ini.

Mereka menyangka perigi ini adalah sebahagian daripada kelengkapan ketenteraan Al-Qassam. Sebuah jentera besar telah dibawa dan selama tiga hari berturut-turut, mereka telah menggali perigi ini kerana menyangka ia adalah salah satu 'pintu masuk' ke terowong ketenteraan Al-Qassam.

Selepas tiga hari, barulah pegawai risikan tentera Zionis mengarahkan 'operasi penting' mereka ini dihentikan setelah mereka mempastikan bahawa yang digali hanyalah perigi untuk pertanian.

Tentera Zionis telah meninggalkan satu lubang yang sangat besar sedalam 90 meter (kira-kira 45 tingkat) ke bawah tanah. Jika dibaling seketul batu, hanya selepas 10 saat barulah kedengaran bunyi batu terjatuh ke dalam air (yang terletak 90 meter di bawah tanah). Lubang tersebut begitu besar dan dalam, di mana jika seorang terjatuh ke bawah, dia pasti bertemu dengan ajalnya.

Lebih melucukan apabila sebuah kereta kebal Zionis telah tergelincir dan tersangkut ke pintu lubang ini. Mereka terpaksa membawa jentera besar lain untuk menarik keluar kereta kebal malang tersebut.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, sebelum meninggalkan kawasan ini, Zionis telah membongkar jalan pertanian berturap yang juga dibangun atas dana Aman Palestin sepanjang 3km. Mereka juga membongkar semua tanaman yang ada dan meninggalkan kawasan ini seperti padang jarak padang tekukur sebagai membalas dendam kebodohan mereka yang memalukan kerana menyangka kawasan pertanian ini sebagai kawasan aktiviti tentera Al-Qassam.

Aman Palestin dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pertanian Palestin di Gaza akan kembali membangun semula kawasan pertanian ini yang merupakan sumber pendapatan petani Gaza dan sumber bekalan makanan rakyat Gaza.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

The three idiots in the world today...

Huge Race Riot In Israel As African Immigrants Are Beaten In The Street.

Bukan sahaja mereka berlaku kejam dan ganas terhadap rakyat Palestin, malah terhadap penganut ugama Yahudi yang berlainan bangsa juga, yang tinggal di Israel.

Orang-orang Israel memang terbukti bangsa yang terlalu sombong dan angkuh, kononnya makhluk pilihan Tuhan.

Sedangkan pada hakikatnya mereka adalah makhluk yang telah dimurkai oleh Allah.

Israeli protests against African immigrants who have been seeking asylum in the Jewish State, have gained a lot of numbers lately. Riots rising to 1000-strong in Tel Aviv failed to convince many that they were “protests” as right-wing Israelis described them.

Israeli residents of the Hatikva neighborhood swarmed the streets, waving Israeli flags and screaming “Deport the Sudanese”.

Others could be heard yelling, “Infiltrators get out of our homes”.
There were 17 arrests made, with police charging Israeli rioters with assault and vandalism.

Passing African migrant workers and refugees from the Sudan were already being beaten in the streets when police arrived on the scene.

Store windows were broken out on many stores, and trash cans lit on fire. Some African migrant workers driving by were attacked, having their car windows smashed, as the angry crowd tried to pull them from their vehicles. 

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz says that other rioters searched taxis for Africans, but finding none, allowed the cabs to pass on.

Just before these riots, an Israeli man had been charged with arson after throwing seven Molotov cocktails at the houses of African refugees.

Likud Knesset member Miri Regev even participated in these riots, hatefully claiming that “the Sudanese were a cancer in our body”. Rioters describing themselves as “protesters” were even seen carrying banners for Interior Minister Eli Yishai, who recently called for the detention and expulsion of all Africans seeking asylum in Israel.

Yishai says that Israel’s recent spike in crime is all the fault of African immigrants.

“I cannot judge a man whose daughter gets raped. I cannot judge a young woman who cannot walk home.”

The only criminals in the streets of Tel Aviv during all of this, however, were right wing rioters.

Watch the report below…


Buah zaitun segar di pasar Nablus. Semoga Palestin terus subur membuahkan hasil.

Israeli occupation authorities demolish Muslim tombs in occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli occupation authorities demolished 20 Palestinian tombs on Sunday in Al-Yousefiyeh Cemetery near Al-Asbat Gate of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Al-Resalah news agency reported.

The cemetery is adjacent to the Eastern Wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem. The Israeli authorities demolished the tombs, belonging to Palestinian families from Jerusalem, claiming that they were built on lands appropriated by the state.

Head of the Committee for the Caring of Islamic Cemeteries in Jerusalem Mustafa Abu Zahra strongly criticised the demolition, calling it an "aggression" against the sanctity of dead Muslims.

Abu Zahrah explained that the demolished tombs were recently built in the cemetery, which belongs to the Islamic Waqf and thus Muslims do not have to get permission from anyone to use it.

He noted that hundreds of Palestinian Muslim martyrs are buried at the cemetery, which also has an Islamic memorial inside of it. He said that a group of tombs that had recently been built were being used while another group of them remained empty.

According to Abu Zahrah, the Israeli occupation authorities destroyed both the empty tombs and the ones being used.

Antara sabun terbaik di dunia.

Kilang sabun Nabulsis di Tebing Barat, Palestin.

Antara sabun terbaik di dunia.

Hanya di Palestin.

Banyak lagi rahsia dan keajaiban yang masih terpendam di bumi yang diberkati ini.

Kalau bukan kerana penjajahan dan serangan pengganas Israel, keterlibatan kuasa-kuasa Barat, dayusnya negara-negara Arab yang berjiran dan lalainya Persidangan Negara-negara Islam serta sekatan terhadap Palestin, nescaya bumi yang diberkati ini akan berkembang maju dan pesat dengan hasil dan produk dalam negeri untuk dieksport.

Justeru itu, tugas kita semua sebagai umat islam yang prihatin adalah dengan tetap memberi bantuan dan sokongan kepada Palestin serta memberi tekanan supaya Palestin dapat dibebaskan sepenuhnya.

Kita turut bertanggungjawab ke atas isu Palestin.

Latest Info-graphic about Gaza Aggression 2014

'Made in Palestine': New slogan for marketing Israeli products

Along one of the roads in the city of Ariha in the north of the occupied West Bank, merchants Khaldoun and Hassan regularly receive 30 tons of dates produced in the neighbouring Israeli agricultural settlements, in preparation for their transfer to one of the packaging factories built on the outskirts of the city, Anadolu news agency reported.

Inside the factory, about 13 miners are working on "screening" the dates and repackaging them in bags that read "dates of the Holy Land" in both Arabic and English and "Made in Palestine" in order to market them locally, in the Arab states and in Europe.

This is what one of the farms that is owned by Israeli settlers does in order to market its produce of dates to customers of European Union countries after the enforcement of a decision earlier this year to boycott any products of settlements in the West Bank.

Anadolu cited a statement issued by the Palestinian national economy minister saying that members of the ministry have found dozens of tons of produce coming from the settlements in this way, on its way to either the local market or to the packaging factories in the city of Ariha and the neighbouring villages.

Merchant Khaldoun, 45 years, told Anadolu's reporter, "We do trade in dates of the settlements, which we buy at prices that are 40 per cent lower than the market price. And in order to be able to market the dates, we clean and re-package them and choose the best in preparation for selling them in the local market, as well as the Arab and European markets."

He added that the annual volume of his seasonal sales of dates is nearly 350 tons, pointing out that other merchants who work in this field and in other varieties of vegetables and fruits, such as citrus fruits, nuts, and medical herbs have similar practices.

His fellow trader Hassan said that he has a licensed company that is registered officially. The export process takes place after the official bodies check the quality and specifications of the product, ensuring the product's conformity with European specifications and international standards. It is then exported under the "Made in Palestine" label.

The minister of economy said in its statement that any truck carrying dates must also be carrying a transfer permit to move the dates from inside the farm of production to the factory that will process the packaging, noting that it has begun to take stricter steps over the trade of dates through listing the names of the farmers who grow dates, the number of trees they own and their annual average production.

Palestine enjoys customs exemptions and export-related facilities in trade with the countries of the European Union, so the Israeli companies cooperate with Palestinian merchants to export the dates produced in the settlements illegally established in the West Bank to the European Union, while benefiting from such exemptions.

In the beginning of 2014, the European Union announced its decision to boycott economic, scientific and academic relations with institutions, factories and farms that have any investments or presence in the Israeli settlements established in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Earlier, the ministry of economy confiscated more than 20 tons of corrupt and damaged dates coming from the Israeli settlements while on their way to one of the factories for repackaging to later sell them as a product of Palestine.


Ketabahan anak palestin.

"Mama saya sudah syahid, dia dan 2 orang abang saya... Saya, anaknya yang ketiga datang ke majlis konvokesyen ini dan si syahid...seperti mana yang anda lihat (berjaya menamatkan pengajian Master)

Hasbunallahu wani'mal wakil (cukuplah Alla
h sebaik-baik penolong dan pembela). Dengan izin Allah saya akan membesar. Saya akan jadi seperti mama, dia mengambil master, begitu juga aku, aku akan belajar.. tiada yang mustahil.. tiada yang mustahil.."
